Thursday, 15 August 2013

What Do You Like?

I like stories. I like it when a person sits with me, tells me about his or her life and adventures. I love books. I love the places they take me and what they teach me. Sometimes when I sit next to the window of my class, I can hear a bunch of people jamming at the Kenya Conservatoire as if they’re encouraging me to go on with the dance. I like that too. I love it when my lecturer, usually when the sun has just set and the class is too stuffy, asks for our opinion on watching TV or laptops or whatever the subject of the current poem we’re reading is. And nothing can give more satisfaction than the thrill of ensuring that my voice has been heard in class. I like that I am forced to go to the library, do my own research because I feel that I need to experience prose and poetry for myself. 

And this is why I chose Literature, because I love it. I hear love is all that matters, so I’m sticking to it. I chose to think that this is what passion is about.

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